It has never occurred to me to pray for good digestion.Why not?
We read in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, “Don’t worry about anything but instead, pray about everything” (Phil. 4.6). The origins of today’s prayer are obscure. It appeared years ago on a tablet found in Chester Cathedral in England; the Ginter Park Women’s Club in 1935 included it in their Famous Recipes from Old Virginia cookbook. (You probably think I’m making this stuff up!) A newspaper in Wales frequently published the prayer as early as the 1920’s. It has been attributed to multiple authors, including Thomas More, as early as the sixth century.
This wide-ranging prayer intrigues me because the person who originated it prayed not only for good digestion but also for healthy bodies, sound minds, and a good sense of humor. Really? A sense of humor?
Jesus said, “Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh” (Luke 6.21). Did you catch that? You will laugh! Weeping will end, but not laughter.
Now, I’m all in!
We read in Proverbs, “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Prov. 17.22).
The following prayer is certain to cheer you: