Athanasius (ca. 296-373) was leading worship one Sunday in Alexandria when soldiers stormed the sanctuary to arrest him. Athanasius took it in stride. Before he was escorted out, he instructed his assistant to read aloud Psalm 136. Each of the twenty-six verses ends with the refrain, “God’s steadfast love endures forever.”
Athanasius was accustomed to conflict. He was banished from Alexandria on five different occasions. Seventeen of the forty-five years he served as Bishop of Alexandria were spent in exile. His enemies called him “Black Dwarf.” This diminutive, dark-skinned Egyptian accumulated lots of enemies over the years. What was his crime? Would you believe his orthodox view of Jesus? The fourth century was the era of considerable debate over Jesus. We’re not talking intramural debates over arcane matters. No less than salvation hung in the balance. Athanasius affirmed Jesus’ full humanity and divinity. Only one who was fully human could atone for human sins and only one who was fully divine had the power to save, he insisted. The opposition, led by Arius, rejected Jesus’ divinity, and denied the Trinity. Arians believed Jesus was a created being. In Arius’ words, “There was a time when Christ was not.” Athanasius fought this battle alone at times yet refused to back down. He outlasted four emperors who exiled him. They could have just as easily executed him. The conflict over Jesus’ identity and mission lasted Athanasius’ entire life. Only in his last few years did his beliefs gain wider acceptance.
Athanasius’ writings, which he composed in exile, have shaped the church for nearly two millennia. He is the epitome of courage in conflict. Today’s prayer by Athanasius was offered shortly before his death: