Chuck Templeton and Billy Graham (1918-2018) were close friends and well-known evangelists in the 1940’s. Chuck began to have doubts about the veracity of Scripture. When they met up in 1949, Chuck challenged his friend, “Billy, you’re fifty years out of date. People no longer accept the Bible as being inspired the way you do. Your faith is too simple.” The conversation rocked Billy’s world. Could he really trust the Bible? His ministry depended on the answer to Chuck’s question. Billy was asked to speak at a retreat, still reeling from his unsettling talk with Chuck. He went for a walk in the woods one evening near the retreat center with his Bible in hand. He opened his Bible in the moonlight, laid it on a tree stump and knelt to pray. “O God, there are many things in the Bible I do not understand. There are many problems with it for which I have no solution. There are many seeming contradictions. There are so many areas that do not seem to correlate to modern science. I can’t answer some of the philosophical or psychological questions Chuck and other people are asking.” He paused, sensing God’s presence and resumed his prayer, “Father, I’m going to accept this as your Word–by faith. I’m going to allow faith to go beyond my intellectual questions and doubts and I believe it to be your inspired Word.”
Billy’s so-called “tree stump prayer” became a defining moment in his ministry. Chuck Templeton’s life unraveled as a cautionary tale. He quit the ministry, moved to Canada and became agnostic. His book written two years before his death says it all, Farewell to God.
The following is a portion of the prayer Billy Graham offered at the 1969 presidential inauguration: