Author Owen Barfield used to chide his agnostic literary colleague C.S. Lewis for his “chronological snobbery” in his early years. Barfield coined this phrase to describe the attitude that the present is superior to the past. Doesn’t this same attitude hold in our time? We boast about our technology and increased efficiency. We pat ourselves on the back for our heightened levels of tolerance. Clearly, our arrogance is showing. One reason we read history is to unmask the illusions and distortions of our current age.
Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 260-340) has been called the father of church history. His detailed review of church history from the time of the apostles until AD 323 is one of a kind. His purpose was to connect the fourth century church of which he was a part to the authentic witness of the early church in following the risen Jesus. Without his extensive ten-volume work, much of what we know of early church history would be lost.
Eusebius’ research was not without its prejudices and limitations. He was biased in affection for Emperor Constantine and harsh in his condemnation of Jews as responsible for Jesus’ death. He admitted in the forward to his history, “I feel inadequate to do it [church history] justice.”
Eusebius took a leading role at the Council of Nicaea in 325, which rejected Arius’ teaching that the Son was subordinate to the Father. Eusebius delivered the opening address and voted with the majority to adopt the Nicene Creed. He recognized the damage done by Arius’ erroneous teaching, yet also wanted to draw Arius back into the fold and thus did not support the council’s decision to excommunicate him.
Eusebius’ prayer which follows here seeks to apply Jesus’ teaching on the Golden Rule (Matt. 7.12) to everyday relationships: