There are head people and heart people. Head people think deeply and analyze thoroughly. Heart people feel intensely and empathize easily. Some think with the heads; others lead with their hearts. It is rare to find people who can put head and heart together.
John Baillie (1886-1960) may be one such person. He was a theology professor at Edinburgh University in Scotland and several seminaries in the States. He thought deeply about God and wrote big books about theology. He probed profound mysteries about Christ’s teachings and researched the Bible with consummate skill. Yet he also had a heartfelt connection with God and was devoted to prayer.
While John wrote widely on theological subjects, the book for which he is most remembered is A Diary of Private Prayer. First published in 1936, it remains an enduring Christian devotional with more than a million copies in print. He arranged his diary as a series of morning and evening prayers for each day of the month. He believed the best way to learn to pray is by praying.
Today’s prayer is the morning prayer for day 27. I urge you not to hurry through it. Take time with its words and let them lead you into conversation with God. I’m drawn to the last three sentences in his prayer: “Give me a stout heart to bear my own burdens. Give me a willing heart to bear the burdens of others. Give me a believing heart to cast all burdens on Thee.” In a short span, we pray to bear up under our burdens, carry each other’s burdens and give all burdens to God: