
Feb 23, 2024

Lewis Bayly


John Bunyan and his wife married in 1648 in a simple service befitting those who were poor. Mrs. Bunyan (history does not record her first name) had two books in her possession inherited from her father. One was titled The Practice of Piety, Directing a Christian how to Walk, That He May Please God. She urged John to read it, but he kept putting it off. When he finally began reading this classic treatise on spiritual life, it lit a fire under John, leading to his conversion. His subsequent allegory of the Christian life, The Pilgrim’s Progress, remains one of the best-known and most widely read books of all time. The author of The Practice of Piety, Lewis Bayly (1545-1631), was an English Puritan who didn’t take kindly to the king’s edict that pastors read The Book of Sports in Sunday worship. King James listed “archery, dancing, leaping and vaulting” as permissible recreations on the Sabbath. Lewis defied the order, which promptly landed him in jail. He was later released, but it was not the last time he would be jailed for defying the king. The Practice of Piety was originally a series of sermons Lewis delivered on practical Christian living. He offers guidance on spiritual practices such as prayer, Scripture meditation, and worship. His closing chapters suggest ways of “setting one’s house in order” and “consolations from the fear of death.” It quickly became the most popular book in England and reached eighty-four editions by 1821. He wrote several morning and evening prayers, such as this “brief prayer for the morning.”

O merciful Father, for Jesus Christ’s sake, I beseech thee to forgive all my known and secret sins which in thought, word, or deed, I have committed against thy Divine Majesty and deliver me from all those judgments which are due to me for them, and sanctify my heart with thy Holy Spirit, that I may henceforth lead a more godly and religious life! I praise thy holy name, O Lord, for thou have refreshed me this night with moderate sleep and rest. I beseech thee likewise defend me this day from all perils and dangers of body and soul, and to this end I commend myself and my actions to thy blessed protection, imploring thee, whether I live or die, that I may live and die to thy glory…Bless my going out and coming in, and grant that whatsoever I shall think, speak or take in hand this day, may tend to the glory of thy name, the good of others, and to the comfort of my own conscience, when I shall come to make before thee my last account. Grant this, O heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ thy Son’s sake, in whose blessed name I give thee thy glory and beg at thy hands all other graces which thou sees to be needful for me this day and ever. Amen.Lewis Bayly, The Practice of Piety.

Rev. Dr. Peter James served 42 years as the senior of Vienna Presbyterian Church in Vienna, VA — 21 years in the 20th century and 21 years in the 21st century. He retired in 2021 and now serves as Pastor-in-Residence at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

Even as a pastor, prayer came slowly to Pete. Read Pete’s story.