
Mar 12, 2024

Sundae Singh


He abandoned all worldly possessions, lived a celibate life and traveled on foot proclaiming God’s love. His parables were the stuff of legends. No, it’s not Jesus, but someone many people said lived more like Jesus than anyone they had ever known. Sundar Singh (1889-1929?) was born into a Sikh family in northern India (Sikhism has ties to Hinduism but rejects the Hindu caste system). He attended a school run by Presbyterians, although he refused to read the Bible. When Sundar was 14, his mother died and burned a Bible in anger page by page. Three days later, in December 1903, he awoke in the night and prayed for “the True God” to appear to him or he would end his life. He cried out, “O God, if there is a God, reveal yourself to me this night.” Several hours passed. As he sank deeper into despondency, a light filled the room, and a man appeared before him. “How long will you deny me?” The man asked. “I died for you. I have given my life for you.” Sundar fell to his knees and opened his heart to Jesus, whereupon a deep sense of peace came upon him. His decision to be baptized was met with fierce resistance. His father spoke words of official rejection over him, and his brother tried to poison him.A Sadhu is a Hindu who devotes his entire life to his religion and forsakes all worldly pleasures. Sundar resolved to become a Sadhu Christian and took to the road as a witness for Christ. He traveled all over India, Ceylon, China and Japan. He often encountered persecution, but his humility and gentleness disarmed his attackers. He came to America but was appalled by materialism among Christians. He observed, “There are many Christians who do not feel his glorious presence as something real. Because for them Jesus only occurs in their minds and not in their hearts.” It is believed he died on a mission to the Himalayas. His prayer expressed his total surrender to God:

My Lord God, my all in all, life of my life and spirit of my spirit, look in mercy upon me and so fill me with Your Holy Spirit that my heart shall have no room for love of anything else but You. I seek from You no other gift but Yourself, who are the giver of life and all its blessings. From You I ask not for the world or its treasures, not yet for heaven do I even make my request, but You alone do I desire and long for, and where You are, there is heaven. The hunger and thirst of this heart of mine can be satisfied only with You who has given it birth.
O Creator of mine: You have created my heart for Yourself and not for another, therefore this my heart can find no rest or ease save in You, in You who has both created it and set in it this very longing for rest. Take away then from my heart all that is opposed to you and enter and abide and rule forever. Amen.

Sadhu Sundar Singh At the Master’s Feet

Rev. Dr. Peter James served 42 years as the senior of Vienna Presbyterian Church in Vienna, VA — 21 years in the 20th century and 21 years in the 21st century. He retired in 2021 and now serves as Pastor-in-Residence at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

Even as a pastor, prayer came slowly to Pete. Read Pete’s story.