I still have my “Life is Messy” coffee mug. “Life is Messy” was the title of a series of sermons I preached on Joseph’s life some years ago. I heard more about this sermon series than any I can remember. I suspect it’s because people closely identified with the “messy” theme.
The life of Theodore of Studite (759-826) certainly qualifies as messy. This highly regarded Byzantine monk was exiled three times! When the Roman emperor Constantine VI divorced his wife to marry her personal assistant, Theodore called him on it, leading to his banishment from a Constantinople monastery–exile #1. He eventually returned, only to lock horns with a second emperor over reinstating the priest who had performed Constantine’s wedding: the emperor had Theodore arrested and deported to a remote island–exile #2. He came back, only to tangle with a third emperor over the use of icons in worship. Yep, you guessed it–exile #3. Theodore made the most of his predicaments. He led church reform in exile and restored monastic virtues of obedience, charity, and chastity to prominence.
You may resonate with this “Life is Messy” theme. While it aptly describes our confusing circumstances and tangled relationships, it does not tell the whole story. The tagline, “Life is Messy” has a biblical sequel, “Life is messy but God prevails.” God prevailed in Joseph’s life. God prevailed in Theodore’s life. And God prevails in our lives also. We join with Theodore in praying: