Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1909-1945) is one of my heroes. For real! The heroic witness of this 20th century Christian martyr inspires and humbles me. Bonhoeffer left Germany at age 23 for a year of post-graduate theological studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York...

Peter Marshall

He had already been dead for 30 years, yet I heard plenty of stories about Peter Marshall (1902-1949) when I came to serve a church in the DC area. He was the gold standard for Presbyterian ministers back in the day. I used to frequent his church and wondered what it...

Roger Hurding

It is estimated that 20% of the world’s population live with chronic pain.  You may be included in this number of persistent pain sufferers.  Roger Hurding (1934-2019) lived most of his life with chronic pain. He became diabetic in his youth, resulting in a loss...

Michael Counsell

I was sorting through my library after retiring from full time pastoral ministry in 2021. During my time in church ministry, building a library was one of the pastoral tools of the trade.  Now, we go online for everything, including Greek exegesis!  It was painful to...

William Ames

When I started in ministry, wearing a robe in worship was standard attire. Fine by me! Concern over a crooked tie or unattended zipper could knock me off stride. Now that the dress code has become business casual, skinny jeans and untucked shirts pass muster in some...