Origen of Alexandria

I had a flashback as I researched today’s prayer. I was enamored with Superman as a boy, this “Man of Steel” who was “more powerful than a locomotive and able to bend steel in his bare hands.” Today’s prayer was offered by the original “Man of Steel.” Origen of...

P. T. Forsyth

The preacher chosen to give the prestigious Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale University in 1907 created quite a stir. Peter Taylor (P. T.) Forsyth (1848-1921) gained a reputation early in pastoral ministry for his unpredictable pulpit utterances and liberal theological...

Puritan Prayer

Researchers call it “Facebook Envy.” Looking at your friends’ exotic vacations, beautiful children, and fabulous social lives can leave us feeling lonely, self-critical, and depressed. Social media-induced envy is but a new twist on an old human...

St. Augustine

They certainly qualify as a power couple. Anicia Fortunia Proba was born in 357 AD into an aristocratic family in Rome and married Sextus Probus, a high-ranking Roman proconsul. Together, they became the wealthiest family in the Roman Empire. They also were won to...

St. Dominic

Entering an arranged marriage seems inconceivable to me. I’ll choose my own wife, thank you very much. Yet, in 12th-century Europe, the practice of arranged marriages was common, especially among nobles. In 1203, the King of Castile (now part of Spain) sent a...