John Newton

Conversion stories fascinate me. Paul was knocked off his horse by a blinding vision on his way to persecute Christians. Lydia, the first convert in Asia, opened her heart to Christ after listening to Paul’s testimony. Augustine came to faith after hearing a...

Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott (1954-) was a 30-year-old moderately successful fiction writer who worked an assortment of odd jobs to pay the rent. She was also a down-and-out drunk with an eating disorder. She was walking one Sunday morning through a flea market when she heard singing...

Michel Quoist

Michel Quoist (1921-1997) was born into a working-class Catholic family in France. He went to work at age 14 after his father’s death and later returned to school to become a Catholic priest. His first assignment was working with youth in a section of a city in...

T. T. Talmage

Thomas De Witt (T. T.) Talmage (1832-1902) accepted a call to pastor a church in Brooklyn, New York, in 1869. His offer letter was signed by seventeen people, the total number of members of this dying city church. He preached to a cavernous sanctuary of empty pews and...

Charles How

Charles How (1661-1742) served as a courtier in King Charles II’s court, nicknamed the “Merry Monarch” for his pleasure-seeking approach to the English throne. When Charles II died, his brother, King James II, took over and assigned the courtier...