William Carey

William Carey

William Carey (1761-1834) failed at the job of cobbler. He was good at making shoes yet lousy at making money.  Next, he turned to preaching. William lived during a time when people were indifferent, even hostile to world missions. He said to a gathering of Baptist...
William Carey

David Martin Lloyd-Jones

Do you talk to yourself?  I mean, out loud.  People say that crazy folks talk to themselves.  So do normal, well-adjusted people.  Psychologists claim there are positive benefits to self-talk.  David Martin Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) wrote a book on the topic, Spiritual...
William Carey

Melito of Sardis

Archeologists made a fascinating discovery in 1940 while digging through ancient manuscripts in an Egyptian monastery. Hidden among these forgotten parchments was a sermon dating to AD 160-170. Outside of the New Testament, it’s the oldest Easter homily on...
William Carey


While I continue to pray about the war in Ukraine, I wrestle with the efficacy of my personal prayers in the face of such monstrous evil. There is a story told about a political meeting in Kiev that correlates to this Easter season. The powerful Russian communist...
William Carey

Gregory of Nazianzus

The year was AD 379 during the Easter season. A mob broke into a church, attacked the congregation, wounded the preacher and killed a bishop. No, they were not terrorists. They were followers of Arius, who had previously served the church as priest and opposed any...