Francis de Sales

Francis de Sales

“Kindness has become a forgotten virtue,” Barry Corey wrote in his book Love Kindness. I concur!  The cause of Christ will suffer if we don’t practice kindness going forward in culture war debates. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) asked in his Treatise...
Francis de Sales

George Mueller

George Muller (1805-1898) prayed about everything. He claimed to be a regular guy who believed with all his heart that God truly answers prayer. George and his wife Sarah opened their home to orphans living in the streets of Bristol, England. They opened five...
Francis de Sales

Andrew Murray

My initial thought in writing about Andrew Murray (1827-1917) was to acknowledge that I do not belong in his league. He was a spiritual giant. Yet when I read the story of Andrew’s marital engagement, I relax. This is more like it, someone with whom I can identify....
Francis de Sales

Lloyd Ogilvie

His ambition in high school was to become a Hollywood actor. Instead, he went to Hollywood as a preacher. Lloyd John Ogilvie (1930-2019) told a story about waking early one Sunday morning, feeling the urge to review his sermon one last time. He stopped by a local...
Francis de Sales

Evelyn Underhill

When my dad was alive, he liked to tell people I was the least likely person he had ever known to go into the ministry. I observe something similar with regard to people I encounter in the church. Some of the least likely people become committed Christ followers while...