Marguerite of Navarre

Marguerite of Navarre

A couple came to me for premarital counseling. I began by asking them how they met. They told me they were first introduced at their engagement party. “Are you serious?” I asked. “No joke,” they told me. “Our families arranged for our...
Marguerite of Navarre

J. B. Phillips

In researching prayer, I have come to realize many of our esteemed Christian leaders struggled with depression. Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, and David Brainerd are but a few who come to mind. Why should we be surprised? Twenty percent of Americans struggle yearly...
Marguerite of Navarre

Gerhard Tersteegen

John of the Cross in the sixteenth-century coined the phrase “dark night of the soul” to describe a crisis of faith precipitated by an absence of God. This dark night can be intermittent or prolonged. In the case of Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769), it...
Marguerite of Navarre

Eric Milner-White

The great enemy of faith isn’t doubt. Jesus recognized a place for honest doubt in his ministry (Mark 9.24). The most formidable rival to faith is fear.  Faith and fear often stand in direct opposition to each other in Scripture.  Jesus’ admonition,...
Marguerite of Navarre

Thomas Arnold

Character development has all but disappeared from American education. In the rush to achieve higher test scores, schools have left character education off the curriculum. Value-free education will become a house of cards. Character education and academic achievement...