George Croly

George Croly

George Croly (1780-1860) served a country parish and wrote poetry and novels on the side. One contributor to his literary magazine eventuated as his wife. He was asked by church leaders in 1835 to consider the challenging assignment of reopening St. Stephens Church in...
George Croly

Amish prayer

I recall a visit with my father not long before he died. He was sitting in his easy chair, eyes closed, surrounded by my wife, his caregiver, and me. We were discussing the onerous task of remembering our various passwords, assuming my dad was not tracking with us....
George Croly

Menno Simons

In the words of Teddy Roosevelt, “Every movement has its lunatic fringe.”In the 1500s, a militant wing of the Protestant movement overpowered a German city, Munster, and stormed a monastery. The Medieval Catholic Church, in tandem with the state, sent...
George Croly

Edward Sill

A common criticism levied against Christians is our hypocrisy. Fair enough! We do not always live what we say we believe. While I contend that hypocrisy is endemic to the human condition, let’s stay with religious hypocrisy. Sometimes, it takes those on the...
George Croly

Samuel Brentley

I pray, regardless of whether I feel like praying. If I prayed only when I felt like doing it, I wouldn’t pray a lot!Samuel Logan Brently (1860-1936) was asked near the end of his life whether his feelings for God had ever waned during the past fifty years of...