Felix Mendelsohn

Felix Mendelsohn

Somewhere along the way, I have lost track of the number of weddings that I have officiated. Most were conducted in the church, but in recent years, the venue began to shift to local wineries. I drew the line at conducting a wedding in a hot-air balloon! I also lost...
Felix Mendelsohn

Martin Luther King, Jr.

On January 27, 1956, just eight weeks into the start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Martin Luther King, Jr. hit the wall. Little wonder. He was all of 26 years old, a newly ordained pastor when he was chosen to lead the bus boycott.  This is how Martin’s wife...
Felix Mendelsohn

Daniel Whittle

One thing leads to another, they say. Yesterday, I shared the story of Philip Bliss, who teamed with Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) to travel the countryside to spread the gospel. Reading about Philip piqued my interest to learn more about his colleague, Daniel...
Felix Mendelsohn

Philip Bliss

Philip Paul Bliss (1836-1876) was a traveling musician and a singing evangelist of sorts. He partnered with a retired Civil War officer, Daniel Whittle, to travel by horseback to share the gospel through the frontier.  In Philip’s words, “Major Whittle...
Felix Mendelsohn

Bob Hostetler

Do you ever get stuck in a rut in prayer? Please tell me that you do! I sometimes fall into the trap of praying the same, predictable way for people. My wife, Chris, and I made it a practice early in our marriage to pray regularly for our two kids. We often prayed for...