Bob Pierce

Bob Pierce

Nobody wants a broken heart, yet heartbreak can also open us to new possibilities. Mother Teresa said it well, “May God break my heart so completely that the whole world falls in.”Bob Pierce (1914-1978) was a young missionary leading Christian outreach...
Bob Pierce

Herbert Booth

Chris and I worked at a Salvation Army summer camp for underprivileged children after college. I was the maintenance guy, and she cooked the food. What a way to start a marriage!Salvation Army people love brass bands. We can personally attest to it. Music has been...
Bob Pierce

Leonine Sacramentary

I receive positive feedback whenever I preach about worry. I seriously doubt it has much to do with the profundity of the message. Rather, the subject matter touches a felt need in people. Over the years, I’ve collected my favorite quotes on worry. Here is but a...
Bob Pierce

Walter Brueggeman

I’ve heard it said that everyone has a book in them. Christopher Hitchens once commented in a C-SPAN discussion on new book releases, “Everybody has a book in them which is exactly where it should, in most cases, remain.” Some books are better left...
Bob Pierce

John Calvin

The city council of Geneva banished John Calvin (1509-1564) from his church. Let’s just say, it’s complicated! John was invited to lead a church of French refugees in Strasbourg. Jean and Idelette Stordeur, who also fled religious persecution, were...