Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry

In the Genesis account of creation, God made Adam from the dust of the earth. God then caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, took one of his ribs, and fashioned Eve. There has been plenty of ink spilled on the meaning of Adam’s rib used in creating Eve....
Matthew Henry

Lancelot Andrewes

People often wrote to John Chapman, a respected nineteenth century monk and abbot, asking for his guidance on prayer. He often advised them, “Pray as you can, not as you can’t.” Scripture introduces us to a wide variety of ways to pray that can be...
Matthew Henry

John Fawcett

The great evangelist George Whitefield spoke to an enormous Bradford, England crowd in September 1755. He preached at a makeshift outdoor pulpit on John 3.15 “that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him [Jesus].” John Fawcett (1739-1817) who worked as an...
Matthew Henry

Wesley Stafford

People ask me about horrible atrocities committed in the name of Christ. How do you as a religious person account for it? “Look,” I tell them. “Healthy people use faith in the right way; unhealthy people abuse it in the wrong way.”Wesley...