Richard Rolle

Richard Rolle

Aloneness gets a bad rap in our day. We equate aloneness with loneliness, yet it’s possible to be alone without being lonely. Aloneness is not loneliness when we are in the company of God. One danger of so much online connectivity is the temptation to avoid...
Richard Rolle

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was the most celebrated painter and sculptor of the Renaissance period, but he’s also the one who authors today’s prayer. His first commissioned sculptor at twenty-three, the Pieta, depicts Jesus’ body as it was...
Richard Rolle

Jerry Sittser

We all suffer, some more than others. Jerry Sittser (1950-) was new to the faculty of Whitworth University in Spokane, WA in 1991. He and his family were returning from a visit to an Indian Reservation in Idaho when their van was struck by a drunk driver crossing the...
Richard Rolle

Steve Hayner

Joy is a misunderstood word. We commonly associate it with happiness, which relies on outward variables to achieve pleasure. Joy isn’t contingent on external circumstances. Joy originates in the heart of God and is one of God’s good gifts to people. We can...
Richard Rolle


In nearly every poll of the best American presidents, Abraham Lincoln comes out on top, eclipsing even our founding father George Washington. Abe Lincoln’s popularity today would have been inconceivable during the Civil War. He was roundly criticized by members...