Johann Arndt

Johann Arndt (1555-1621) labored in obscurity in a small church in Germany. When his book True Christianity was published, he became something of a celebrity. His book was widely circulated throughout Europe, and some reformed colleagues became jealous of his fame....

Gerhard Tersteegen

Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769) qualifies as a holy man. He lived in a small town along the Rhine River in Germany, eking out a modest living as a weaver. His only visitor was a girl who came daily to wind silk thread for him. He was, for five years, “deprived of...

August Francke

It was Easter 1695, and August Hermann Francke (1663-1727) gathered the money that was left in the collection boxes. He counted seven guldens, the equivalent of $2.80. He said to himself, “I will build a school for the poor with it.” He dedicated a room in...

Betty Stam

When I first came upon Betty Stam’s (1906-1934) prayer, it struck me as noble and rather naïve. I was put in my place when I learned the real story of Betty’s life and her willingness to put this prayer to the ultimate test. Betty grew up in China, where...

John Newton

Conversion stories fascinate me. Paul was knocked off his horse by a blinding vision on his way to persecute Christians. Lydia, the first convert in Asia, opened her heart to Christ after listening to Paul’s testimony. Augustine came to faith after hearing a...