Sara Hale

In 1878, Inventor Thomas Edison spoke the first words ever to be recorded into a phonograph. The words he chose to be immortalized in that initial recording originated from a popular children’s poem of the time, “Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was...

Johann Sailer

Ludwig Beethoven began to lose his hearing in 1798. This was devastating to a musical composer of Beethoven’s stature, as he could no longer hear the music he was creating for appreciative audiences. His encroaching deafness assaulted his considerable pride and...

Christina Rossetti

I admire Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) as a poet. Her depth of feeling, keen insights, and spiritual sensitivities win my admiration. While she could be introspective and overly serious, she periodically displayed a lighthearted, playful mood, as evidenced in turning...

Thomas Wilson

The Isle of Man is situated between England and Ireland. This island, with a population of 84,000, has a temperate oceanic climate. Its highest recorded temperature is eighty-four degrees. Thomas Wilson (1663-1755) arrived at the Isle of Man with his wife and children...

Emily Morgan

Emily Malbone Morgan (1862-1937) and Adelyn Howard were the best of friends growing up in Hartford, Connecticut. They climbed apple trees, shared attic treasures, and attended the same Episcopal church. Adelyn moved away to a new home at a considerable distance from...