Tom Fettke

Tom Fettke

Tom Fettke (1941-) spent a lifetime in choral music as a music instructor and church choir director. As former director of a church choir in California, Tom asked choir member Linda Johnson if she would be willing to transpose Psalm 8 into lyrical form. Since Psalm 8...
Tom Fettke

Maria Stewart

She was the first woman to speak to a mixed audience of men and women in America. She was born to free slaves, orphaned at five, and taken in as an indentured servant. She had no formal education but became a voracious reader. In her words, “I was brought to a...
Tom Fettke

Psalm 46

The date of September 11, 2001, is forever etched in my memory. Most of us can remember where we were and what we were doing when we learned the horrific news of planes slamming into the Pentagon and incinerating the World Trade Center Towers. Our church gathered to...
Tom Fettke

Joan of Arc

Heresy was considered a capital offense in the Middle Ages. Try as I might, I still can’t wrap my head around such drastic censure. Granted, the rise of popular heretical movements had something to do with it, but it still doesn’t explain why the church...
Tom Fettke

Alexander Crummell

When Alexander Crummell (1819-1898) was young, he was sent on an errand by an anti-slavery office in New York City. He overheard two prominent lawyers talking about a recent conversation with John Calhoun, a senator from South Carolina. In the senator’s words,...