Anna Waring

Anna Waring

We live in an age of hurry. The speed of technological change feeds our frenzied busyness. Our constant need for connectivity in this digital world perpetuates a pervasive sense of rush and anxiety. The title of a book written by John Mark Comey, The Ruthless...
Anna Waring

John Greenleaf Whittier

Two things stand out about the life of John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892): his poetry and his devotion to Christ. These two central ambitions combine to effect lasting change in the battle over slavery. First, his poetry. John became the most popular of the...
Anna Waring

Trisagion Prayer

David prayed, “Have mercy on me, O Lord” (Ps. 51.1). Jesus commended the tax collector who prayed, “Lord, have mercy on me, sinner” (Luke 18.3). Mercy is what we need from God. If we prayed for justice, we wouldn’t stand a chance! Mike...
Anna Waring

Rosa Parks

She’s best remembered as the woman who refused to relinquish her seat on a bus. Rosa Parks (1913-2005) was a curious choice to galvanize a bus boycott. She was quiet and unassuming. Martin Luther King, Jr., the 26-year-old Montgomery, Alabama pastor who led the...
Anna Waring

Daniel Payne

Daniel Alexander Payne (1811-1893) received his call to educate while praying. It came shortly after his conversion at 18, when “I gave my whole heart to God.” As he was praying, he sensed God setting him apart to educate enslaved Blacks. Born to former...