Ober-Lausitz Agende

Ober-Lausitz Agende

Time flies. I mean, it’s December 31st already! Wasn’t it only yesterday that we were writing 2024 for the first time? In the words of the great philosopher Dr. Seuss, “How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon....
Ober-Lausitz Agende

Ignatius of Loyola

In New York City, instructions accompany buttons at busy intersections that pedestrians can press to direct traffic lights to change. There is only one problem: they don’t work! The city deactivated them in the 1980s when they installed high-tech traffic signals but...
Ober-Lausitz Agende

Johann Scheibel

Martin Luther stood before a tribunal demanding his retraction from writing and speaking against the established church. Martin defended his actions with the memorable words, “My conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot, and I will not retract anything...
Ober-Lausitz Agende

Sigismund Scherertz

Sadness is a common human mood. Extended sadness without any apparent cause is what our forebears called “melancholy.” Robert Burton (1577-1645) devoted the better part of his life to his one and only book, The Anatomy of Melancholy. He compulsively revised and edited...
Ober-Lausitz Agende

Theodore of Mopsuestia

Catholics and Protestants fought to the death over how Christ is present in the Eucharist. I wonder what they would think of our modern, efficient practice of offering a communion wafer and grape juice in a safe, hygienic package, but perhaps I digress. I’ll...