Gelasian Sacramentary

Gelasian Sacramentary

Believers are often exhorted to wake up in Scripture. Spiritual lethargy is a killer sin that can undermine life with God. Paul writes to Christians in Rome, “The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber” (Rom. 13.1). Paul writes comparable words to the...
Gelasian Sacramentary

Syro-Malabar Liturgy

There is something in me that wants to clear Thomas’ name. People through the ages have hung on this apostle the derogatory label “Doubting Thomas” for his caution concerning reports that Jesus had been raised from the dead, “Unless I see the...
Gelasian Sacramentary

Bernard of Clairvaux

It’s called the “Rule of Three.” People understand ideas and concepts best in groups of three. In writing, the Rule of Three serves as an essential storytelling principle. In comedy, the Rule of Three fits with a classic joke structure. In nursery rhymes, the Rule of...
Gelasian Sacramentary

Mozarabic Liturgy

How can I summarize Christian-Muslim relations? Let’s just say it’s complicated. Whether we lay the blame on Muslim wars of expansion or retaliation by Christian crusades, both religions share blame for mistreating one another.Muslim Moors conquered the...
Gelasian Sacramentary

Martin Luther

I feature some people for prayer more than once, especially those for whom more is written, and prayers are more plentiful. Such is the case with Martin Luther (1486-1546). This is now the fourth time I have highlighted one of his prayers. While our Catholic readers...