by Peter James | Feb 13, 2025 | G. K. Chesterton
The war drags on in the Ukraine. I struggle with how to pray for this prolonged conflict. Sure, I pray for peace, but the whole situation seems so immense and out of control. War is an indictment on us all. Gilbert Keith (G. K.) Chesterton (1874-1936) gives voice to...
by Peter James | Feb 12, 2025 | Clement of Rome
Imagine what it would have been like to be taught in the faith by two of the original apostles, Peter and Paul. Clement of Rome (35-99) was a first century Christian who had the wonderful privilege of being a student of these first-generation Christians. He may be...
by Peter James | Feb 11, 2025 | Favorite, Irenaeus of Lyons
Dating back to the second century, today’s prayer originated with Irenaeus of Lyons (in modern-day France) (130-202). Irenaeus was introduced to Christ through Polycarp, who was said to have been taught by the Apostle John, forming a direct link to Jesus and...
by Peter James | Feb 10, 2025 | Celtic prayer
She is known as the patron saint of beer. A leper colony supposedly ran out of beer and turned to Brigid of Kildare (452-524) for divine assistance. To be found without beer was nothing short of calamitous since the water was polluted and unsafe to drink. Brigid...
by Peter James | Feb 9, 2025 | St. Patrick (Evening Prayer)
What keeps you up at night? Caffeine? Crying babies? Barking dogs? Stress? Nervous fretting? Darkness has a way of compounding worry and intensifying temptation. Could we be contributing to our own demise here? We engage in excessive amounts of late-night...