Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas

His parents had a cushy job picked out for him. Thomas would become abbot (leader) of a wealthy monastery that had grown lax in monastic rigor. Thomas Aquinas (ca. 1225-1274) did not share his parent’s enthusiasm for this prearranged scheme.  He aspired to set...
Thomas Aquinas

Howard Thurman

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a doctoral student in theology when Howard Thurman (1899-1981) was appointed the first African American Dean of the Boston University Chapel.  Martin listened intently to his weekly sermons.  Howard, who had attended Morehouse College with...
Thomas Aquinas

Kent Keith

He wrote something that ended up on the bedroom wall of Mother Teresa. You might expect it to be the work of a much-heralded saint from church history.  Nope! It’s written by a relative unknown in religious circles. He’s been a faithful Sunday School teacher and choir...
Thomas Aquinas

Francois Fenelon

Francois Fenelon (1651-1715) was way ahead of his time in educating children.  After he was ordained a Catholic priest in 1675, he was assigned to teach girls in Paris the essentials of Christian faith. He carefully studied the learning habits of children to determine...