

It had been seven years since Okuhhatuh (O-kuh-ha-tah) or Making Medicine (1848-1931) had been with his Cheyenne people in Oklahoma. His fellow warriors had vivid memories of Making Medicine, leading them in battle to retaliate for white settlers killing buffalo and...

Thomas Traherne

In terms of the longest wait for posthumous recognition, perhaps the seventeenth century poet Thomas Traherne (1636-1674) wins the prize. He was virtually forgotten for two hundred years. Not much is known about him. He was the son of a shoemaker. His parents died...

Paul Dunbar

Here’s a quote worth pondering: “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” While it’s commonly attributed to Oscar Wilde, no one is quite sure where the quote originates. The Psalmist expresses a similar sentiment, “I praise you, Lord, for I...

Augustine of Hippo

When I was a pastoral newbie in the 1970s, the cathartic approach to anger was all the rage. The let-it-all-out method of venting anger was in vogue and counselors even created “rage rooms” so clients could blow off steam. Recent research has called this...

Isaiah 33

I’ve been reading the Old Testament book of Isaiah. There are parts of Isaiah I like, and sections I don’t like. The prophet Isaiah doesn’t hold back with judgment when God’s people make a mess of things. As I came to Isaiah 33, I thought to...