Basil of Caesarea

Basil of Caesarea

Some of you may be living in a storm. You may be dealing with a health crisis, a season of grief, or a family emergency. If you are not in a crisis right now, enjoy the reprieve.                                                                                         ...
Basil of Caesarea

Bonifacius Stoltzlin

It’s not surprising that pride, greed, anger, lust, envy, and gluttony make the sixth century Seven Deadly Sins list. But sloth? We commonly associate sloth with laziness but when Gregory the Great included sloth in his deadly sin list, he had other things in mind...
Basil of Caesarea

Aelred of Rievaulx

In a remote area of England is a tiny town called Rievaulx (pronounced Ree-voh), with a population of fifty people. It’s a popular tourist attraction as visitors walk among the impressive ruins of a famous twelfth century monastery. The monastery was begun by...
Basil of Caesarea

Charles Jennens

You’ve likely heard of George Frederic Handel, composer of the famous oratorio Messiah, but you may not know the name Charles Jennens (1700-1773). Without Charles Jennens, there would be no Messiah. His contributions were so considerable that George sometimes referred...
Basil of Caesarea

Louise Degrafinried

Louise Degrafinried (1911-1998) and her husband Nathan lived in a small town outside Nashville. Nathan awoke one night to let the cat out, but the cat refused to leave the porch. Instead, he arched his back and hissed. “What do you see out there, Cat?”...