by Peter James | Aug 18, 2024 | Harry D. Clarke
Let me take you back to an evangelistic meeting in the early 1920s at Trinity Evangelical Church in Shamokin, Pennsylvania (yep, it’s an actual town). A man who, in the opinion of those present at the meeting, “was under the influence of alcohol”...
by Peter James | Aug 17, 2024 | Augustine of Hippo
George MacDonald wrote a prayer for every day of the year in Diary of an Old Soul in 1880. His entry for July 16th begins:“The house is not for me—it is for him. His royal thoughts require many a stair, Many a tower, many an outlook fair Of which I have no thought.”...
by Peter James | Aug 16, 2024 | John Cassian
A woman approached the famous evangelist Billy Sunday after he preached a sermon on anger. She attempted to rationalize her anger by saying, “There’s nothing wrong with losing my temper. I blow up, and it’s all over.” Billy Sunday replied,...
by Peter James | Aug 15, 2024 | Helmut Thielicke
It was the last few months of World War II. Stuttgart, Germany, was in ruins, the result of frequent Allied bombing raids on Nazi strongholds. There was one church left standing. Soon, it would be reduced to rubble and the congregation forced to worship in the church...
by Peter James | Aug 14, 2024 | Louisa Stead
When our son Andrew was young, he was strong-willed and cautious. He was hesitant about trying new things. My wife Chris and I had to coax him into taking swimming lessons, going to summer camp, and trying new activities. It often became a battle of wills. I would...