Roland Williams

Roland Williams

Roland Williams (1817-1870) made two lasting contributions to Welsh society. First, he introduced rugby to Wales, considered by many today to be its national sport. When Roland became Vice-Principal of St. David’s College (now the University of Wales) in 1850,...
Roland Williams

Nicholas of Cusa

Smart people know how much they don’t know. Socrates said it well, “I know I am intelligent because I know nothing.” His quote is sometimes paraphrased in more familiar words, “The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.” This...
Roland Williams

Nicolai Velimirovic

Today’s prayer took me back to a 2023 Super Bowl ad. For real! A series of black and white photos of violent confrontations flashed on the screen, accompanied by the song “Human” by Rag’n’Bone Man. At the end of this mysterious...
Roland Williams

Henry Martyn

Henry Martyn (1781-1812) was a stellar student at Cambridge University in England, well on his way to becoming a professor or lawyer. Yet he suspected something was missing, “I obtained my highest wishes but was surprised to find that I had grasped only a...
Roland Williams

William of St. Thierry

Christian mystic is a term used to describe William of St. Thierry (ca. 1075-1148). Mystic is a slippery, vacuous word. For the record, it’s not a synonym for people who do weird things in the name of God. Christian mystics are people who seek direct...