William Bright

William Bright

“Shiny Object Syndrome” is a phrase used in business to describe our infatuation with new, trendy ideas. We chase after the latest novel idea until the next best thing comes along to divert our attention. We suffer from “Shiny Object Syndrome”...
William Bright

Melito of Sardis

Melito of Sardis (ca. d-180) was both tough and tender.  He had the audacity to make a bold request of the Roman Emperor yet did so nicely.  Melito sent his Apology for Christianity (apology means defense) to Emperor Marcus Aurelius in AD 170.  His cordial manner in...
William Bright

Third Century Hymn

My original baseball card collection is likely buried deep in an Ohio landfill. My mom threw away my cards while cleaning my room out after I left home. Really, Mom? You trashed my Mickie Mantle’s rookie card! She felt so remorseful about it years later that she...
William Bright


The bishop appealed to local priests for volunteers to serve a remote leper colony in Hawaii. Four priests answered the call, including a Belgium priest who came to the Hawaiian Islands as a missionary in 1864. Joseph de Veuster (1840-1889) adopted the name Damien at...
William Bright

Ira Sankey

Their evangelistic revivals were well-known in nineteenth century America. One Chicago flyer said it well, “Come hear Dwight L. Moody preach the gospel and Ira D. Sankey sing the gospel.” On paper, they seemed an odd match. Dwight Moody was brash and...