by Peter James | May 2, 2024 | Steve Hayner
Joy is a misunderstood word. We commonly associate it with happiness, which relies on outward variables to achieve pleasure. Joy isn’t contingent on external circumstances. Joy originates in the heart of God and is one of God’s good gifts to people. We can...
by Peter James | May 1, 2024 | Didache
In nearly every poll of the best American presidents, Abraham Lincoln comes out on top, eclipsing even our founding father George Washington. Abe Lincoln’s popularity today would have been inconceivable during the Civil War. He was roundly criticized by members...
by Peter James | Apr 30, 2024 | Anne Steele
My grandfather named his farm “Blaenant,” which my dad said was a Welsh word meaning “house at the head of the stream.” My son and family lived in an 1814 New England house called “Journey’s End.” Before houses had street numbers, they were customarily identified by...
by Peter James | Apr 29, 2024 | Edith Schaeffer
The year was 1932, and Edith had just graduated from high school. She attended a meeting at her Presbyterian Church outside Philadelphia where a Unitarian minister spoke on the topic, “How I know Jesus is not the Son of God and how I know the Bible is not the...
by Peter James | Apr 28, 2024 | Ruth Graham
As Billy Graham traveled the world preaching the gospel, his wife, Ruth Graham (1920-2007), stayed behind to raise their five children. They were married in 1943 and moved to Montreat, North Carolina, so Ruth could be near parents when Billy was absent from the home,...