Rachel Field

Rachel Field

She was, of her own admission, a shy and awkward child. She lived in a house along Main Street in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, which Norman Rockwell painted into “Stockbridge Main Street at Christmas.” She said of herself, “I wasn’t one of those...
Rachel Field

John Suder

It must rank as one of the most imaginative cover letters ever written. Robert Pirosh quit his job as a copy editor in New York to look for work as a Hollywood screenwriter in 1934. He sent the following letter to studio executives and producers, “I like words. I like...
Rachel Field

Thomas a Kempis

What is the second best-selling Christian book of all time? The all-time best seller is a no-brainer—the Bible. The runner-up best-seller is likely one you don’t know and haven’t read. It’s Thomas a Kempis’ (1380-1471) devotional classic, The Imitation of Christ....
Rachel Field

Edward Perronet

They were both passionate and strong-willed. John Wesley had heard about the gifted young preacher Edward Perronet (1726-1797), and was eager to hear him. Since Wesley was eighteen years his senior and the elder statesman in the Methodist movement, Edward felt...
Rachel Field

Gregory the Great

Most of my sermons follow a predictable pattern. I begin by attempting to draw people into the message, aware that most congregants decide in the first minute or so whether they will give full attention to the sermon. The middle portion of my message seeks to engage...