by Peter James | Apr 11, 2024 | Thomas a Kempis
What is the second best-selling Christian book of all time? The all-time best seller is a no-brainer—the Bible. The runner-up best-seller is likely one you don’t know and haven’t read. It’s Thomas a Kempis’ (1380-1471) devotional classic, The Imitation of Christ....
by Peter James | Apr 10, 2024 | Edward Perronet
They were both passionate and strong-willed. John Wesley had heard about the gifted young preacher Edward Perronet (1726-1797), and was eager to hear him. Since Wesley was eighteen years his senior and the elder statesman in the Methodist movement, Edward felt...
by Peter James | Apr 9, 2024 | Gregory the Great
Most of my sermons follow a predictable pattern. I begin by attempting to draw people into the message, aware that most congregants decide in the first minute or so whether they will give full attention to the sermon. The middle portion of my message seeks to engage...
by Peter James | Apr 8, 2024 | N. T. Wright
The day between Good Friday and Easter, Holy Saturday, is one of the most confusing days in the Christian calendar, situated halfway between the agony of Good Friday and the joy of Easter. Nothing much happens on that first Holy Saturday. Jesus’ body has already...
by Peter James | Apr 7, 2024 | Christina Rosetti
It seems counterintuitive to call the day on which Jesus died “Good Friday.” The phrase likely originated in the Middle Ages. Jesus’ death on the cross is good in what it accomplishes–death to our sins and the harbinger of our resurrection to...