Two things stand out about the life of John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892): his poetry and his devotion to Christ. These two central ambitions combine to effect lasting change in the battle over slavery. First, his poetry. John became the most...
Trisagion Prayer
David prayed, "Have mercy on me, O Lord" (Ps. 51.1). Jesus commended the tax collector who prayed, "Lord, have mercy on me, sinner" (Luke 18.3). Mercy is what we need from God. If we prayed for justice, we wouldn't stand a chance! Mike Howerton...
Rosa Parks
She's best remembered as the woman who refused to relinquish her seat on a bus. Rosa Parks (1913-2005) was a curious choice to galvanize a bus boycott. She was quiet and unassuming. Martin Luther King, Jr., the 26-year-old Montgomery, Alabama...
Daniel Payne
Daniel Alexander Payne (1811-1893) received his call to educate while praying. It came shortly after his conversion at 18, when "I gave my whole heart to God." As he was praying, he sensed God setting him apart to educate enslaved Blacks. Born to...
Joseph Hall (second time!)
One popular stop on Boston's Freedom Trail is the Old Granary Burial Grounds, where many famous early Americans such as John Hancock and Paul Revere are buried. One million tourists visit this historic American landmark each year. Etched into its...
Joseph Hall
People associate meditation with Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism. Meditation conjures up people with eyes closed, breathing slowly, sitting cross-legged in lotus position chanting certain words and phrases (called a mantra). Yet...
Walter Lowrie
Walter Lowrie served as a U.S. Senator and Senate Secretary from 1819 to 1836. His two sons left the comforts of their Pennsylvania home to become Christian missionaries: John Lowrie devoted a lifetime to missionary work in India while Walter M....
Brennan Manning
I normally focus on people's virtues in these prayer posts, but I will make an exception here. The person who generated today's prayer leaves me no other choice. I'll let Brennan Manning (1931-2013) introduce himself to you, "I've been a priest,...
Robert Hawker
"Remember the poor" was the lone request Peter, James, and John made of Paul as he began his outreach to Gentiles (Galatians 2.10). Paul was quick to add that caring for the poor was "the very thing I was eager...
Wendell Hawley
I like old prayers. This shouldn't come as any surprise, given that most Prayers from the Cloud originate from the distant past. I'm drawn to ancient prayers for their exalted language, full-throttled praise, and fearless candor in confession....
Thomas Shepard
Life in England was a struggle for Puritans. Their clergy were forced to leave their churches and cease preaching. What was Puritan Thomas Shepard (1605-1649) to do now? He and his wife Margaret decided to join their friends in their quest for...
Elizabeth Elliot, in her book Keep a Quiet Heart, shared a story told to her by Brenda Foltz of Princeton, Minnesota. Brenda was invited to go rock climbing for the first time in her life. While cautious about climbing, she could count on several...
Millard Fuller
There is a sequel to yesterday's prayer from Clarence Jordan. When Millard Fuller (1935-2009) and his wife Linda met Clarence, they were in a time of deep personal crisis. They decided to divest themselves of their considerable wealth and seek an...
Clarence Jordan
Clarence Jordan (1912-1969) and his wife Florence started an interracial farm called Koinonia in Southern Georgia in 1942. They were the target of white supremacist groups who terrorized them and organized a boycott of their farm products. Clarence...
Basilea Schlink
Repent is a word that has fallen out of favor in our day (except among fire and brimstone preachers!). Repent is harsh sounding; we prefer softer, more soothing religious verbiage. Have we fallen into "easy believism" that recoils at the very...
Charles Beecher
It was said of 19th-century America that "the country is inhabited by saints, sinners, and Beechers." The famous preacher Lyman Beecher and his wife Roxanna had 13 children, many of whom became well-known American writers, preachers, and educators....
Martyrs of Memphis
When an epidemic of yellow fever ravaged Memphis in 1878, half of its 40,000 residents fled the city. Anyone who could afford to escape did so, leaving the poor and disadvantaged to fend for themselves. Medical services were limited as many doctors...
Leo the Great
Leo the Great (400-461) may be best known for his famed encounter with Attila the Hun in AD 452. Attila and his hordes had ransacked most of Italy and were now bearing down on Rome. Leo, in his lead role as Bishop of Rome, resolved to meet Attila...